
Baldi's Basics in Education and Learning - Full game!

Created by Basically Games

Welcome to the Baldi's Basics pre-order store! Baldi's Basics Plus is releasing soon, so pre-orders have been closed, but you can still pre-order a boxed edition for a little while longer! Note: None of these purchases will grant access to the Kickstarter Exclusive Demo. That was only available as an award during the original Kickstarter campaign.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Status Update #15 - Roadmap for the rest of development!
almost 4 years ago – Fri, May 21, 2021 at 09:44:23 PM

Hey everyone, Micah here! I'm posting another update to let you all know what's going on with development, as well as what to expect going forward. Now, I've posted the second section of this update to the game's store pages, however I know It's also been a while since I've discussed some of the Kickstarter specific topics, so I'll cover those first!

Kickstarter Stuff

I know many of you are excited to get physical copies of the game, and digital copies on consoles! I'm sorry for the wait, but rest assured I haven't forgotten about those awards. As I've stated before, once the game is finished and out of early access, I will begin working on the console ports and the physical editions. I still have the Kickstarter funds for the physical editions and shipping set aside so that when the time comes to produce them I can do so without any financial troubles.

I still plan on adding more digital goodies as well! Most of the digital goodies will probably be added near the end of the game's development, but I'll add little things here and there whenever I feel like I have something cool to add. I'll post updates here when new digital goodies are available!

I have received some messages from people who filled out surveys late about their names not being in the credits. I will try to update the list of names in-game some time soon. I will also post a final credits check update here before the game is finished to ensure there are no errors, but if you do notice an error with your name in the credits, just send me a message here on Kickstarter to let me know!

Finally, if you are one of the $500 backers and you haven't submitted your poster yet, please get in contact with me, preferably through a DM here on Kickstarter! I want to make sure all my $500 backers are able to get the most out of their support for this project, but I have tried and failed to get in contact with many of you in order to get your submission. There's still plenty of time to submit your poster, but if you wait until after the game is finished I can't guarantee I'll be able to get your poster in the game.

Development Update

So that covers Kickstarter stuff, here's what's been going on with game development recently for those who may have missed it!

First off, at the end of March I uploaded a video for the original game's three-year anniversary. In it I discussed how development has been going and why the next update has taken as long as it has, among other things. You can check it out below if you haven't seen it yet:

To summarize, I discussed

  • My move in January, which kept me pretty busy.
  • I've been working on a level editing and loading system for premade maps. This will replace the old awful method used to save and load premade levels as found in the challenge maps and endless mode in the current version.
  • Version 0.3.3 will release soon with the premade maps completely remade in this new system in order to fix all the bugs caused by the old system, as well as a handful of other tweaks and improvements.
  • Baldi's Basics Classic Remastered, which is a remake of Classic built in the Plus framework, will also be released soon, and is being used as a development testing ground for the new premade maps system, mobile support, and VR support.

Since then I've been working on finishing Baldi's Basics Plus version 0.3.3 and Baldi's Basics Classic Remastered, and wow, I can't believe it's already almost been two months since the video released! Time is flying by. I was hoping to have both of those things released by now, but as I mentioned before I no longer want to rush things out and sacrifice quality. I am sorry about the wait though. Baldi's Basics Plus 0.3.3 will likely release first, and won't take much longer. Classic Remastered will follow shortly after that, so keep your eyes open for those announcements!

With that update out of the way, I'd like to talk about the rest of the game's development. I talked about this nearly a year ago shortly after the launch of Baldi's Basics Plus, and some of my plans have since changed as I've learned a lot from this first year of post-release development. I want you all to know that this current update hiatus was not at all what I wanted or planned for the first year of the early access, and I'm sorry for how long you've had to wait for updates. I want to make sure this doesn't happen again, so I'm taking the time to properly plan out the rest of development before I get started on game updates again. I know this may seem counterintuitive, but once I have the game design document finished and an update schedule made (A schedule of features and their respective updates to be added in, not deadlines) I feel confident that I'll be able to release updates at a consistent pace for the rest of development.

To give an idea of what you can expect the rest of development to be like, I've put together a roadmap which summarizes my plans:

Currently on the timeline, I'm right before the release of 0.3.3. Once that and Classic Remastered are released, I'll be finishing up the game design document and update schedule. Once that's finished, I will begin actively developing the game again and end the current update hiatus with the release of 0.4. At this point major updates should release consistently until the final early access major update. Once this releases, there will be a second update hiatus as I work on the release version of the game. The reason for the second update hiatus will not be due to poor planning like this first one, but rather due to the fact that the final update will be significantly larger than any of the previous updates, and so it will take a lot longer to finish. This is because there's a lot of content that I plan on saving for the release version of the game, rather than sprinkling in via the early access updates.

Along with this roadmap, I figured it would also be a good idea to mention what kind of content you can expect to see in the early access updates moving forward, and what you can expect to be saved for the release version.

Early access updates will largely be focused on self-contained content such as

  • New characters
  • New items
  • New level elements
  • New activities
  • New events
  • New field trips
  • New decorative elements

Things saved for the final release will largely be things that aren't part of the core gameplay or that rely on other aspects of the game being finished, such as:

  • New challenge maps
  • Better menus
  • Horror and story elements
  • Achievements
  • Polish and attention to detail
  • And stuff I don't want to spoil!

The reason for holding off on certain elements largely has to do with the fact that if I were to do a lot of work on them now, I'd have to re-do them later once more content is in the game and more stuff finalized. If I were to make more challenge maps during development for example, I'd probably eventually end up completely redoing them as I add more level elements to the game, which would effectively make the time spent developing the older versions a waste. The menus are another example. I could spend time now to make them look a lot nicer than they do, but then I'd just end up completely redoing them near the end of development which would make working on them now a waste of time and resources. I say this to remind everyone that the current lack of polish, horror elements, personality, and many other elements in the game largely has to do with the way development works, not that I've forgotten about those things or don't care about them!

And I think that's everything I wanted to say today! As always, thanks for your patience and the support while I get this crazy game sorted out, it means a lot. Know that I'm just as eager to get back to releasing updates as you all are to play them, so I'll try my best to finish the game design document soon and get back to active development! Oh, and if any of you still have any questions, please post them in the comments below and I'll try to answer them soon!

First Digital Goodies are now available!
over 4 years ago – Fri, Jul 31, 2020 at 08:47:29 PM

Hello everyone, I hope you're all doing well!

I'm happy to announce that the first set of digital goodies is now available for download! Codes are being sent out now through BackerKit, so check your email! If you aren't receiving an email, you can use your survey link to view all your available downloads. If you still can't find your code, make sure you have completed your survey so that I can lock your order in, as you won't receive any codes until it's locked. Follow the instructions included with your code and you'll be able to download the currently available digital goodies through

Currently, the digital goodies include:

  • Two desktop backgrounds, one featuring the game's title artwork, and one featuring a never before seen render of the finished elevator model (Not even in the game yet)!
  • The 3 music tracks from the original game, available as MP3s and MIDIs
  • The classic You Can Think Pad model
  • The fake website used in the Kickstarter video

There will be a lot more to come as the game develops, including more desktop backgrounds as I create more renders, more music tracks as the soundtrack gets bigger, and of course some other stuff like the digital manual when the game is nearing completion.

I know it's not much at the moment, but I hope you all enjoy it! I'll be sure to post updates here whenever I make more items available.

To anyone who's interested in buying the digital goodies, I'll make them available for anyone to purchase once there's a bit more content included, so keep an eye out for when I announce that!

Status Update #14 - I guess status updates are kind of pointless now :P
over 4 years ago – Tue, Jun 23, 2020 at 12:51:58 AM

Hello everyone! First off I just want to say a huge thank you to all the great feedback I've received for Baldi's Basics Plus! Lots of positive and constructive feedback which has already helped me make some great improvements to the game. I'm super excited for what's to come, and I hope all of you are too! Oh, also I released version 0.1.2 last Friday, so make sure you download that if you haven't!

With that said, time for another status update... Sort of.

I sat down to start writing this status update, but I quickly realized that at this point that would be kind of pointless. The purpose of status updates was to let you all know how the game was coming along, but now that it's out, there isn't really any point in me telling you what's going on when I can just release updates and let you all experience the new stuff for yourselves! All the new stuff that I would have talked about in this status update for example, like challenge maps, the new lighting system, etc., has already been released.

With this in mind, there probably won't be any more status updates. I'll continue to discuss game updates and upcoming features of course, but I'll probably begin doing it primarily via devlogs on Steam,, and Game Jolt. I'll continue announcing major updates here though just so you all are kept up-to-date.

Of course, I'll still continue to post updates regarding Kickstarter stuff as necessary, such as the big box edition and the digital goodies, and I guess now is as good a time as any to go over the details on those!

Digital Goodies

As I mentioned in the last update, the digital goodies will release soon, and will grow with the game. What I mean by this is that there won't be a ton of stuff available at first, but as the game gets more content I'll add more stuff to the digital goodies as well. It will start with a desktop background or two, a few MIDI files, and maybe a couple other random things. As I'm able though, I'll add a lot more to it. More desktop backgrounds, more MIDIs/MP3s, more random things, etc. I definitely want to make sure the digital goodies end up worthwhile to those who paid extra for them, even if it does take a bit longer than I would have liked. In particular, the digital manual likely won't be available until the game is out of or about to leave early access.

Big Box Edition

I said this before in a few places, but I want to make this clear: I probably will not be able to get big boxes made and shipped out until after the game is finished and out of early access. I want to make sure that what is burned onto the CDs is as close to the final product as possible, and I also want the big box artwork and manual to properly reflect the final version of the game. I'm not sure when the game will be finished, but no matter how long it takes I'll make sure the wait for the big box is worth it. If anyone is concerned with how long things are taking for the big box version to ship out though, I'll be happy to refund and cancel your pre-order/pledge if you want. Just know that while I do plan on making the standard big boxes available for pre-order again once I'm close to producing them, the limited edition will never be sold ever again.

Well, that's about it for now I think. Thanks again everyone! I'm not sure when I'll post an update here next, but I do want to post an update to the game's devlog pages soon regarding my plans for the rest of the game's development cycle. Not sure when that will be, so keep an eye out for it!

over 4 years ago – Fri, Jun 12, 2020 at 01:35:32 AM

It's finally released!

I'm super excited that you all can finally play the game! Of course, there's still a lot of work left for me to do to make this game as good as possible, but I'm definitely happy to have reached this milestone. I couldn't have done it without all your help, so once again, thank you all so much!

All codes should have been sent out by now. If you were supposed to get a code, but can't find it, please message me and I'll work it out. Remember, please check your spam folder! Also, if you didn't get an email specifically about the code, you can use your survey link to find your code as well. Finally, if you haven't filled out your survey, you won't be able to get your code until you do. I can't give you a code if you haven't selected the platform you want it on in your survey yet!

To those of you who did not back a tier to receive a download of the game, here are the store links:


Game Jolt:

Digital goodies

The digital goodies will be coming soon! I've been so busy working on the game I haven't had time to put anything together yet. The digital goodies will launch with a handful of fun things, and continue to grow along with the game.

The next status update

The next status update will *also* be coming soon, but of course, everything I'd cover can now be experienced for yourself!

That's it for now, just wanted to post a small update celebrating the game's launch! Thanks again everyone!

To those who pre-ordered through BackerKit - I'm charging cards soon, and codes will be sent out on June 12!
almost 5 years ago – Wed, Jun 03, 2020 at 09:42:14 PM

Hello, this message is specifically for those who pre-ordered Baldi's Basics Plus through BackerKit. If you backed the Kickstarter during the initial campaign in August 2018, you have already paid for your pledge and can ignore this update.

I'm posting this update just to let you all know that I will be charging cards soon! Anyone who pre-ordered the game with a debit or credit card has not actually paid yet. If you pre-ordered with PayPal, then you have already paid and you won't receive any more charges.

Once I charge cards, you'll receive an email confirming if the charge was successful or not. If not, you'll be able to update your payment information.

Everyone who's payment is successful and who pre-ordered a digital download of Baldi's Basics Plus will receive a download code for the game on June 12 when the early access begins. Digital goodies will be released shortly after that, and anyone who pre-ordered those will receive a download code for them at that time. The big box is still a ways off, and I'll post an update specifically about those in the coming weeks.

If you have any questions, please email me at the address found here: That is the easiest way to contact me. Please don't use BackerKit's support unless you have a question specifically about BackerKit. I have to say that as much as I appreciate their service, their support is less than stellar in my experience. In particular, over the past few months I have a had a few angry emails from people who were not getting any proper answers or help from BackerKit, and for some reason BackerKit didn't forward their emails to me until they got angry. If you've been struggling with BackerKit's customer service at all, please just email me directly and I'll try my best to help.

Also, I'll be posting the status update I promised last month shortly, sorry for the small delay on that.

Thank you all for your support!